When you’re taking charge of a new initiative, it’s tempting to grab hold of its various complexities and get moving. This is especially true when your company’s leaders are very busy or just want you to handle it.
However, a critical step in strategizing a plan for your next initiative is to reach agreement with the key stakeholders as early in the process as possible. Failing to do so can impact the timeline and/or results, or at the least it can require portions of the project to have to be jettisoned and redone.
What you may not be taking into account are varying (even dissenting) viewpoints, and strategies about which you’re not aware, and these can cause you to derail.
Read more here about this topic in my article for the New Hampshire Business Review.
About the Author:
Candice Benson, PMP®, is an internationally recognized management consultant and CEO of Benson Consulting Inc. She specializes in change management, process improvement, and project management, and has recently completed Change Intelligence (CQ®) certification. Connect with her here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/candicecbenson
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